Pocket Watch Database

Illinois Sangamo Special Production Charts

Note: Production dates are estimations but should be accurate within +/- 3 years.


Illinois Watch Co. Sangamo Special Production Map Relative to Company Lifespan

Start of Production
End of Production

Grade Production Runs Lowest Highest Start End Profile Code/Image
Sangamo Special 30,260 55 2,541,331 4,761,000 1913 1926
2,450 7 2,541,331 2,835,800 1913 1915 16s-M9-21j-ONL-A6PTI-True Bridge
10 2,541,331 2,541,340 1913
10 2,541,351 2,541,360 1913
600 2,575,201 2,575,800 1913
500 2,615,501 2,616,000 1914
600 2,728,101 2,728,700 1915
700 2,790,301 2,791,000 1915
30 2,835,771 2,835,800 1915
1,710 5 2,541,391 2,798,700 1913 1915 16s-M9-23j-ONL-A6PTI-True Bridge
10 2,541,391 2,541,400 1913
300 2,575,801 2,576,100 1913
400 2,618,001 2,618,400 1914
300 2,734,001 2,734,300 1915
700 2,798,001 2,798,700 1915
1,100 5 2,565,901 2,790,300 1913 1915 16s-M9-19j-ONL-A6PTI-True Bridge
100 2,565,901 2,566,000 1913
200 2,575,001 2,575,200 1913
300 2,615,201 2,615,500 1914
300 2,728,701 2,729,000 1915
200 2,790,101 2,790,300 1915
50 1 2,658,851 2,658,900 1914 1914 16s-M8-19j-HNL-A6PTI-True Bridge
50 2,658,851 2,658,900 1914
50 1 2,658,901 2,658,950 1914 1914 16s-M8-21j-HNL-A6PTI-True Bridge
50 2,658,901 2,658,950 1914
50 1 2,658,951 2,659,000 1914 1914 16s-M8-23j-HNL-A6PTI-True Bridge
50 2,658,951 2,659,000 1914
1,710 5 2,868,401 3,094,960 1915 1917 16s-M9-23j-ONL-A6PTI-False Bridge
700 2,868,401 2,869,100 1915
400 2,917,601 2,918,000 1916
100 2,920,001 2,920,100 1916
500 2,970,001 2,970,500 1916
10 3,094,951 3,094,960 1917
200 1 2,917,401 2,917,600 1916 1916 16s-M9-19j-ONL-A6PTI-False Bridge
200 2,917,401 2,917,600 1916
900 2 2,968,001 3,251,400 1916 1917 16s-M9-21j-ONL-A6PTI-False Bridge
500 2,968,001 2,968,500 1916
400 3,251,001 3,251,400 1917
100 1 2,977,201 2,977,300 1916 1916 16s-M8-23j-HNL-A6PTI-False Bridge
100 2,977,201 2,977,300 1916
4,340 9 3,178,901 4,241,140 1917 1923 16s-M10-23j-ONL-A6PTI-False Bridge
100 3,178,901 3,179,000 1917
100 3,195,901 3,196,000 1917
1,000 3,201,001 3,202,000 1917
200 3,262,401 3,262,600 1917
300 3,285,001 3,285,300 1918
600 3,353,001 3,353,600 1918
1,000 3,524,001 3,525,000 1919
1,000 3,610,001 3,611,000 1920
40 4,241,101 4,241,140 1923
6,400 4 3,693,001 4,166,800 1920 1923 17s-M10-23j-ONL-A6PTI-False Bridge
1,600 3,693,001 3,694,600 1920
2,000 3,775,001 3,777,000 1920
2,000 3,862,001 3,864,000 1921
800 4,166,001 4,166,800 1923
8,000 9 4,166,801 4,736,800 1923 1926 17s-M13-23j-ONL-A6PTI-U60HR
200 4,166,801 4,167,000 1923
1,000 4,556,001 4,557,000 1925
1,000 4,558,001 4,559,000 1925
1,000 4,626,001 4,627,000 1925
1,000 4,628,001 4,629,000 1925
1,000 4,642,001 4,643,000 1925
1,000 4,644,001 4,645,000 1925
1,000 4,734,001 4,735,000 1926
800 4,736,001 4,736,800 1926
3,200 4 4,720,001 4,761,000 1926 1926 17s-M13-23j-ONL-A6PTI-60HR
1,000 4,720,001 4,721,000 1926
200 4,736,801 4,737,000 1926
1,000 4,758,001 4,759,000 1926
1,000 4,760,001 4,761,000 1926